Award Winning
Exterior Design

“Ascendio was approached by Ace to design their first hotel outside of Canada.


Located in Los Angeles, the scheme comprises of 265 guest rooms and the lounge/reception area with retail units, bar, cafe and art gallery. Explore the hotel’s potential to embed itself within the fabric.


Object Layout


Meeting with a client and discuss the main idea of the project and main features of it. Make an object plan with main details.


Object Drawing


Our architectural designer designs an object cosidering the wisges of the client and make a presentation to the clients.


Completed Work


When everything is discussed the construction process starts. Professional constructors start building an object.

Our Team

Our team consists of the best designers who strive to develop their skills and never stop it. They participate in US and international exhibitions and conquered awards.

Jhon Karter


Architector, Designer

Amanda Green


Architector, Designer

Leon Smith

Architector, Designer

Popular Questions

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